Getting Started with Internet Safety.

As parents, the topic of Internet safety isn’t always one that’s always easy to navigate, but it’s certainly one of the most important things to integrate into our lives. For many of us, computers and the Internet aren’t things that were ever-present while growing up; at least not like they are today. These days it […]

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What’s a “botnet”?

botnet (bot·net) noun A collection of software robots that’s normally associated with malicious software. Botnets are notorious for being platforms for spam distribution. The term botnet can refer to any group of software “robots” and normally consists of a collection of compromised (“zombie”) computers running the botnet software. In most cases the PCs running the […]

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How to Deal with a CyberBully.

If you’re a parent, you’ve undoubtedly heard about cyberbullying in the media. If you’re a student, there’s a good chance you’ve not only heard about it, you may have been the victim of a cyberbully, or maybe one of your friends has been the target of an attack. The fact is, with the explosive growth […]

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StopSign Review: 5 Cow Rating from

We’re thrilled to announce that our StopSign™ Internet Security software has received a “5 Cows” rating by the download site Tucows in a recent review. StopSign received favorable ratings in all categories of the rigorous Tucows evaluation process, and we could not be more honored by this spectacular review from one of the most venerable […]

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Census Scams Strike at Citizens.

If you live in the United States, you’ve probably already heard that the 2010 US Census is making its way across the country. What you may not know, however, is that with the Census comes a legion of fraudsters trying to pull a fast one on folks like you and I. We’d like to remind […]

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