Too Much Information (TMI)

Are you guilty of putting Too Much Information (TMI) online? Probably, right? If you’re a human who has been online more than about 15 minutes, you probably are a little guilty of the occasional TMI moment. Putting too much information online has been a time-honored tradition since the early days of the Internet. The Usenet […]

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Antivirus Software – Your Helping Hand for Security.

Using antivirus software is an important part of owning a computer. As a PC user and web surfer, you’re constantly faced with online threats, Internet security holes, and the spectre of viruses & spyware. Downloading and installing antivirus software is the best first line of defense for avoiding these problems. Sure, decent antivirus software is […]

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Exposed – Geolocation Dangers and You

On the Internet nobody knows you’re a dog. You’ve heard that saying before, right? Well, nobody may know you’re a dog on the Internet, but through the magic of GPS-enabled gadgets, they may know where you’re located. With today’s advances in technology and all of the swanky new things we can do with our gadgets, […]

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Dangerous Tech Habits.

Who would think that something as simple as texting would be a dangerous tech habit? Or uploading a photo? It may be a bit on the overly cautious side, but it’s true. The relative ease with which we can make our daily life public is great. Thirty years ago we were still relying on long-distance […]

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Internet Facts (Take Them with a Grain of Salt)

The best thing about the Internet is that anyone can write anything on any topic and be heard around the world at the click of a button. Of course, that’s arguably also the worst thing about the Internet. 🙂 The “Wild West” nature of the web can make it challenging to find unbiased information on […]

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