Outbreak Alert – Backdoor.Win32.ZAccess

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign Internet Security let you know when specific malware infections are trending, describe what they do, and provide tips on how to avoid them.

What Backdoor.Win32.ZAccess Does:

  • Downloads Malicious Rogue Anti-Virus Packages
  • Significantly Slows Down the Infected Machine
  • Displays False Error Messages
  • Restricts Access to Various System Functions

How It Infects:

  • Can be distributed by any means, including but not limited to: Email attachments, instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware;
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts.

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know;
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources;
  • If using StopSign Internet Security, be sure the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled;
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign Internet Security, before executing them;
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system.

Type: Downloader

Technical Name: Trojan.Win32.Medfos.m


  • W32/Zaccess.AP.gen!Eldorado
  • Trojan.DownLoader8.14961
  • Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Sirefef
  • Rootkit.0Access.Gen
  • Trojan.Generic.KDZ.9841

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.

Outbreak Alert – Cryptolocker

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign Internet Security let you know when specific malware infections are trending, describe what they do, and provide tips on how to avoid them.

What Cryptolocker Does:

  • Encrypts Personal Documents
  • Demands Payment in Exchange for Decrypting Personal Documents
  • Significantly Slows Down the Infected Machine

How It Infects:

  • Primarily email attachments, but can include instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware;
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts.

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know;
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources;
  • If using StopSign Internet Security, be sure the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled;
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign Internet Security, before executing them;
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system.

Type: Ransomware

Technical Name: Cryptolocker


  • Trojan.Ransomware.CL

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.

Outbreak Alert – Trojan.Win32.Medfos.m

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign Internet Security let you know when specific malware infections are trending, describe what they do, and provide tips on how to avoid them.

What Trojan.Win32.Medfos.m Does:

  • Downloads Malicious Rogue Anti-Virus Packages
  • Significantly Slows Down the Infected Machine
  • Displays False Error Messages

How It Infects:

  • Can be distributed by any means, including but not limited to: Email attachments, instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware;
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts.

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know;
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources;
  • If using StopSign Internet Security, be sure the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled;
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign Internet Security, before executing them;
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system.

Type: Downloader

Technical Name: Trojan.Win32.Medfos.m


  • Trojan.Packed.24060
  • W32/Medfos.B.gen!Eldorado
  • Trojan:Win32/Medfos.X
  • Medfos.CY
  • Medfos-FAYZ!962FB547D0C7

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.

Outbreak Alert – Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign let you know when specific malware infections are trending, give you info about what they do, and tips on how to avoid them.

What Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT Does:

  • Downloads Malicious Rogue Anti-Virus Packages
  • Significantly Slows Down the Infected Machine
  • Displays False Error Messages

How It Infects:

  • Can be distributed by any means, including but not limited to: Email attachments, instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources
  • If using StopSign, be sure that the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign, before executing them
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system

Type: Downloader

Technical Name: Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT


  • Trojan.Win32.Generic.126FD58E
  • HackTool:Win32/Wpakill.B
  • HackTool.Wpakill
  • Variant of MI Network
  • W32/Risk.TOSU-1645

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.

Outbreak Alert – Lookslike.Win32.Sirefef.u

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign let you know when specific malware infections are trending, give you info about what they do, and tips on how to avoid them.

What Lookslike.Win32.Sirefef.u Does:

  • Restricts access to the infected machine until the user provides credit card information
  • Significantly slows down the infected machine
  • Displays false error messages

How It Infects:

  • Can be distributed by any means, including but not limited to: Email attachments, instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources
  • If using StopSign, be sure that the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign, before executing them
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system

Type: Trojan

Technical Name: Lookslike.Win32.Sirefef.u


  • Variant of Win32/Kryptik.APJK
  • BackDoor.Maxplus.7107
  • Backdoor.Win32.ZAccess.adiv
  • Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.P
  • Trojan.Win32.A.PornoAsset.184832.FA

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.

Outbreak Alert – Trojan.Win32.Zbot.id

Outbreak Alerts by StopSign let you know when specific malware infections are trending, give you info about what they do, and tips on how to avoid them.

What Trojan.Win32.Zbot.id Does:

  • Attempts to collect online user account and banking information
  • Significantly slows down the infected machine
  • Displays false error messages

How It Infects:

  • Can be distributed by any means, including but not limited to: Email attachments, instant message attachments, infected websites, infected media or document files, peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or even downloaded by other malware
  • Infection can also be found in hyperlinks to infected websites from email, instant messages, and social networking messages or posts

How To Avoid Infection:

  • Use extreme caution when you receive a link or attachment from anyone, even those you know
  • Do not download unknown files or files from unknown sources
  • If using StopSign, be sure that the On-Access Scan is installed and enabled
  • Scan all downloaded files with a malware threat scanner, such as StopSign, before executing them
  • Ensure that all updates are installed from Microsoft Update to help protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system

Type: Trojan

Technical Name: Trojan.Win32.Zbot.id


  • Trojan.Ransomlock!g29
  • SScope.Trojan.Winlock.2113
  • VirTool:Win32/CeeInject.gen!HL
  • Trojan.Win32.Jorik.Ransom.jj
  • Trojan.Generic.KD.750295

If you're looking for great anti-virus software that won't break the bank, try StopSign. You don't pay extra for tech support for difficult malware, and our web protection software just works. Download & install StopSign to find out why our members choose us over the other options.