An Ounce of Prevention Can Protect Your Identity

Your personal information is important to you.  Or is it?  It should be and you should want to protect it.  But what exactly should you want to protect and what are you protecting it from?  And how do you protect it?  Do you really need to worry about it?  And if so, can’t you just […]

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Online Safety Tips For Parents Of School-Age Children

When I was a kid, I could ride my bike all over our neighborhood and play outside all day long without seeing or talking to my parents. These days, most parents keep a much closer eye on their kids due to the rise of unsavory characters harming kids. The same thing goes for the Internet; […]

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Don’t Take the Bait! Avoid “Phishing” Lures to Protect Your Identity

So my wife asked me the other day, “Why are we getting this?”  She was referring to an email we received that said, “Your Federal Tax Payment ID:  9387589 is failed.”  I could see she was a little concerned and wanted to resolve it right away.  And that’s exactly what they want.  That’s how they get ya!  […]

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Cell Phones for Teens: Smart or Dumb?

Teens On Smartphones

As parents, my wife and I recently hit a milestone. Our oldest child became a teenager last month. As we all know, your world changes when you hit “Teendom”! But as the world changes, so does the list of “Things That Change When You Become a Teenager.” One item that wasn’t on our lists when […]

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New But Infected with Nitol

Is nothing sacred anymore? Apparently not! When you buy a brand spankin’ new computer, you expect it to be pristine. You also expect it to work perfectly and be free of any infections or viruses. But that’s no longer a given. There’s a chance that fabulous new machine you just paid several Benjamin’s for could […]

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